Friday, April 15, 2011


When my mother labored,

and I was delivered

Daddy’s and husbands

were not allowed near.

Mom’s themselves,

flat on their backs,

were not present but drugged.

Babies arrived asleep,

“under the influence”.

One generation later,

when I had my babies,

moving around encouraged,

Midwives working with doctors.

Pain meds available

but not pushed, not taken.

Baby’s Daddy and friends

present and involved.

Babies, once again

delivered to wide awake love.

Now each of us is

birthing our post 2012 world,

deep in those labor pains.

The world is not going

away in 2012.

But right now, you

are determining what

that new world

will be like for you.

Are you laboring

flat on your back,

listening to instructions

from someone else?

Are you accepting the anesthesia

offered you minute by minute?

Another credit card application.

And you’re already approved!

Buy more.

Have more.

Show off more,

but don’t think.

Or are you in labor,

breathing with the pain and

grateful for each respite?

Lining your bed side

with friends and family and guides

who truly support you.

Are you using


a walk in the sun,

a funny movie,

coffee with friend

for your pain meds?

We are all laboring.

And we will deliver.

I want my new life

to be delivered to

wide awake love and joy.

Not to mention deep peace.

Lizette Estelle Stiehr

April 6, 2011

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