Sunday, March 8, 2020

The Loom

Day is not better than night.
They're different.

Night allows rest and healing,
rejuvenation, clearing and processing.

You awake with energy
to spend on the world during day.

Light is not better than the dark.
They're different.

Dark allows time to daydream,
to turn inward to find core truth.

Light can so easily be focused,
outward, sending love and healing to others.

Light and dark,
day and night
ae universal elements.

They are not the
right (light), wrong (dark)
good (light), bad (dark)
of our moral loom.

The loom is hung for directional weaving,
towards your core essence,
the truth of you that brings you joy and passion.

Weaving away from the illusions of other's truths,
of their tales of your story,
of their patterns of your "truth"
that don't serve you.

Your mission,
and we hope you choose it,
is to find,
to discern,
your truth of who you are
in love.

Lizette Estelle
March 7, 2020