My feet are so cold
From Alaska’s long winter
of incessant snow falls
and grey skies.
I tuck each foot into
the opposite knee
and tailor sit.
They warm to the
yummy tipping point
of comfort.
We have marched
on cold feet for millennia.
No time to stop and contemplate,
to tailor sit and warm ourselves
until now.
2012 is the tipping point,
if we so choose.
Where time has speeded up,
and truly warns us to slow down.
To sit quietly, enjoying the warmth
of inviting the light into our bodies
all the way down to our toes.
This great tipping point
is Tera’s choice, joining
the Milky Way
for more light here.
The balance between
the light and dark
is tipping
towards light and love.
And ever, in a free will zone
we get to choose
how we see,
how we feel
and how we express that.
The light radiates from
Source within each of us
Not from the leaden sky’s
leaking frozen tears,
but from within our hearts,
from our souls
seeing the truth
of who we are.
Another loving aspect of Source
expressing the light.
Lizette Estelle Stiehr
February 24, 2012